Friday, January 25, 2013

My First Conscious Out of Body Experience (01-22-13)

             The sensation of actually leaving your body is an amazing experience. You can experience your true being. You can feel the soul that has been contained in your physical body for a long time. You can reach out limitless possibilities with your spiritual double while you are out from that physical container. Today, a conscious Out of Body Experience is experienced by many, but that’s just a few of the world’s total population. You can be one of those few people. Only if you know how this phenomenon works.

But what really is an Out of Body Experience or OBE?

          Out of Body Experience (OBE, sometimes called OOBE) is an experience where human beings feel the sensation of leaving their physical bodies while still connected to it. Metaphysical sources state that OBEs happen during the dream state of sleep, therefore, all human beings travel outside of their physical being every night. However, consciously doing it is only experienced by a few of us.
             I have been studying this strange phenomenon since I had the chance to have it as a topic for my term paper in 2010. It’s out of the ordinary and it got my interest so I chose it not just only for passing the subject but for an additional knowledge of the unknown and mysterious, and since I had been experiencing the sleep paralysis every night. Sleep Paralysis is a function of sleep paralyzing our body during the dream state for us to prevent ourselves from acting out our dreams. I know you already know what i am describing —you probably had experienced it too. It’s when you have just fallen asleep (or are trying to sleep), and then you awaken from total numbness of your muscles— your vocal muscles included. You can’t move and you can’t speak. This frightens everybody because some myths describe it as a preliminary to death — the belief that an incubus might ride on your chest or choke you to death, but that’s just a hallucination during the paralysis. It is often called as one of the “dream images”— some people may see Angels or Fairies. People often see scary images during this stage because they are frightened and because they are preoccupied with the idea of “monsters in bed”. (See my earlier post about OBE and Sleep Paralysis)

            And then one night, in January 22, 2013, I had my first conscious OBE.

My experience:
It was around 1 o’clock in the morning and I decided to go to bed after the long evening’s work of making homeworks and research. I went to my room feeling a bit tired but I could still manage staying awake singing a song from my headphones. I usually do it every night before sleeping, and it’s kinda relaxing for me. When I was done, I decided to sleep. I usually face on the left side of my bed for a comfortable sleep, but at that time, I faced on the right side which I consider to be my most awkward sleeping position. I don’t know why it’s awkward. Maybe because my body won’t really stay facing on that side while I sleep for the rest of the night. Tendency is, I’ll have a sleep paralysis every time I’m in that position because my body will turn on it’s left thus allowing my body to face upward — my back partially or completely lying on bed.

And I know I’ll have that sleep paralysis that time. Until it began. I can see my room with my eyes closed (my third eye is in function). My body was not able to move. I can no longer speak or shout (which I did not force to do because I already know that). And then I decided to have an out of body experience for the first time. It just came out of my mind to try experiencing it consciously since the past attempts were not successful. What I did, as I heard those auditory hallucinations (hissing, echoing, laughing, talking sounds) and felt those vibrations all over my body, I began to think of actually floating outside my physical body to have an OBE. I was thinking of ascending from my bed and fly like a light feather around my small room. And poof! I started floating! I can’t believe it! I did it! It was like riding on a life buoy while floating above small waves. It started on low levels, and then when I was thinking of testing how true it is that I am experiencing an OBE, I allowed myself to rise up even higher and reach the ceiling fan. And so it happened quickly! I can still visualize the shadows of the fan and hear its sounds increasing in volume as I rise up. It scared me a lot because I was thinking of hitting those fan blades (though I already knew that I’m not in the physical form anymore and could just pass through solid objects in the physical world).

The images became blurry and cloudy and I became more afraid until I close my astral eyes and flip around facing my body lying on my bed. However, i also didn’t see my body clearly because my vision is still cloudy. Then, I float down reaching for my body. I let myself think of coming back to my body because I was afraid of the surroundings. If I were not afraid, maybe I have perceived more clearly. And then I ended waking up from that episode. And I’m quite satisfied. It’s a short cloudy experience but still I enjoyed the sensation. My plan was to fly above our house and to go somewhere else. Maybe next time, if I am really ready for the episode then I’ll do it.

“Only those who have dared to let go can dare to reenter.” - Meister Eckhart

This OBE thing really works! They say: "you believe on what you perceive". You say things are true if you have experienced it. And now I say it’s an amazing truth! If earlier, I only discuss these things based on the experiences of others, now, I can talk about it from my own experience.

Well, have you tried it?

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